Before I start my Not Me's I just want to let all of my blog friends who are not familiar with MckMama's "Not Me Monday's" to know that I have not lost my mind, have completely gone insane or am insensitive. This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to see what it is all about. Basically you are saying you did not do all the things you really did do this week. Being Brutally honest.... So this week in honor of all her family has been thru with Baby Stellan Natalie @ thought it would be nice if we did a "Not Me! Monday ~ Stellan Style." -- Jess sent the info from the facebook page yesterday and here is what Natalie said:
**From Natalie ~ In honor of MckMama (Jennifer) and "Not Me Monday", I thought it would be so nice if we could all do our NMM post relating to Stellan. I.E. "I did not spend all day thinking of and praying for Stellan. I did not tell the woman in front of me at Target about him, and ask her to pray for him." **
She has set up a Mr. Linky on her website. So check over there and add your NMM posts there. That way, we'll let MckMama know that NMM is being covered and she can read about all of the many tremendous ways we love her, sweet Stellan and their entire family!
I have stalked visited many NMM posts, but never participated, not this week I will join in all in the name of Stellan.
I have NOT posted several posts asking for prayers for this sweet baby boy.
I have NOT joined two facebook's dedicated to praying for baby Stellan.
I have NOT been checking MckMama's blog everyday to check updates
I have NOT checked MckMama's Twitter to keep updated.
I have NOT been going to Angie's blog, Bring The Rain everyday to see if she knew anything new about Stellan,
I have Not been wishing I could give MckMama's family a big hug and wanting a magic wand that could take all the pain and frustration away from them
I have NOT looked through Stellan's name gallery with amazement at all the creativity people have come up with all in the name of Stellan.
I most certainly have been praying everyday that the good Lord was hearing our prayers and would lay his hands on baby Stellan and heal him quickly. Just could not put a Not in front of that one guys.
Those are the things I most certainly did not do this week, nope NOT me