Friday, March 27, 2009

Aches, Pains and Lemonade

Well last night was my son's play at school and he had started feeling better so we let him perform, although Mommy started feeling crummy right before we left. He did great in the play, but you could see in his face he was not feeling 100% and I started going downhill fast.
By the time we got home I felt horrible, my throat was burning and I was getting hoarse. I hacked all night and could not breathe very well and woke-up with a fever and pain I just can not describe in my throat. It hurts so bad I am seriously contemplating this, quickest relief is gargling 1/2 apple cider vinegar and 1/2 water, yuck.. I saw this on Lindsay's blog Suburban Turmoil a while back, That Tugging You Feel on Your Heartstrings? It's Me. Yeah, Hi.

But atleast my son is feeling better, he says he only has a little bit of a scratchy throat..He gave Mommy the worst of it I think, I am so glad he shared, NOT:(

So on any note here is where I will be most of the day when I am not on the computer.
This video is crummy, but it is the one I taped from my phone, but the song is fitting (I only got part of it):)

Update: the play was
See and hear the music.


  1. I couldn't hear what they were singing but it sounded like they were putting their hearts in it. I put a link to your blog on my post. I hope you approve.

  2. They are singing "When the world gives you lemons you make lemonade.":)

  3. lemonade sounds great, even though it has been snowing here. the little guy did look a little flushed, hope you both get to feeling better soon.

  4. Feel better Jenny! I love the pic of you on the couch all snuggled up! Is that Ginger's quilt? LOL! Hope to see you out and about this weekend! Daniel's staying at Grandma's for the weekend, so it will be a little less noisy down here!

    Get well, neighbor!
