Friday, March 13, 2009

Flashback Friday

March's assignment: Sports and Recreation. It's time to dig deep into those photos and find some pictures of yourself or your kids playing a sport, dancing, ice skating, playing chess...or darts...or pool...or whatever it is that floats your boat.

My son is not in any team sports and I am still trying to dig up some sports pics of my hubby Smiley Face Pictures, Images and Photos . But my son does love to play ball with his dad so here are some of them.

carnival hosted by Melinda at Bloggin' It From the 'Burbs


  1. Aw, I love the photos of your son playing ball with dad. I love how in that last one the ball was coming right at the camera! yikes! and the green green green grass in your pictures makes me wish even harder for spring!

  2. What a doll! I can't wait for my boys to start playing ball.
