Saturday, March 28, 2009

O'Baby and my flutter-by rolls

In His Hands ~ Our Adoption Journey is hosting this carnival, if you would like to join in go grab a button and post a baby pic of yourself April 1st.

I made the flutterby rolls today even though I have a fever and am coughing my head off --- I think I see a mother of the year award in there somewhere-- anywho my son does not like icing on his he perfers it on the side so they have no icing or cherries on them.


  1. Okay, Linda (@2nd cup) said to encourage another 30 x 5 participant today - so I'm here to tell you lay off the cinnamon buns and get busy doing your 30 minutes! LOL! I'm teasing. I'm just jealous you are eating cinnamon buns.

    Have a GREAT day!!!!

  2. coming over from linda @ 2nd cup... i hope you are feeling better soon! way to make yourself get on that treadmill. why, oh why do the miles feel longer on the treadmill? thank God for a good tv program. it helps anyway. :)

  3. So stinkin' cute. Yes, you do deserve Mom of the Year Award. You see in the above comments that I sent people to flog you. Just kidding. The point was to ENCOURAGE you. So hang tough with your illness. You're a little down, but not out for the count. Besides, my henchman up there will come and work you over if you drop out.
