Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday and Writers Workshop

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey I am thankful:

  • For the many who pray for others even if they don't know them
  • That my family is always there for one another
  • For my son's school and the great play they are doing tonight about turning Lemons into Lemonade
  • That the Lord listens to our calls even if he does not answer right away
  • That we have a 3 day weekend;)

Mama Kat at Mama's Losin' It hosts writers workshop every week and this week here are the promts:
1.) Somebody I'm praying for....
2.) I don't believe in prayer because...
3.) What are you putting off right now?
4.) You can go back to your childhood for one day. What day and age do you choose?
5.) Your friend tells you he can pick up any girl at the bar, no matter what he says. You bet him $100 he can't. Create the world's worst pick up line and send your friend off into the crowd. What happens?

I chose #1 - Somebody I'm praying for.

I pray for so many, but at this very moment I am praying that my son feels better tonight so he can perform in his play. This week I have been doing alot of praying for my brother, my sis-n-law and baby Stellan. I am praying for my brother whose thyroid is enlarged and he had a biopsy done this week to check if it is pre-cancerous, benign or malignant. I am praying for my sister-n-law who is in need of prayers for her up and coming gallbladder surgery. I am praying for baby Stellan who is in the hospital with SVT.

I pray a lot, but I pray as if God were sitting right next to me. Sometimes I just strike up a conversation with him out of nowhere. It makes me feel better that even when I am alone physically, spiritually he is always there to listen if I just need to talk or vent about something.

I pray for a lot of people thru prayer request from my church and on blogs. When I hear of someone in need of prayer I stop and say a little prayer. I pray for my family everyday and for all of God's creatures. I am a severe animal lover so when I see an animal that has been struck by a car in the road I pray. I have always done this and I am not sure why but I pray that they did not suffer and if they have little babies that they will be taken care of and safe. I know maybe I am wierd, but God made me this way and must have instilled this in me for a reason.

Sorry if I started to ramble, but I have way too much going on in my brain today, it is on overload right now... Who are you praying for today?


  1. Pray is such a Blessing to us from God.

    I am praying for little Stellan, Patrice, Jeremy and my kiddos.

  2. Hi Jenny,

    I am Suzanne's friend. Please tell me more about the Writer's Workshop.......


