Mama Kat @ Mama's Losin' It
The Prompts:
1.) What is your life's anthem? You know...that song that is ALWAYS in your head. The one you'd go to sing first if someone told you to sing a song right NOW. What is it and what does it mean to you? (inspired by Tattooed Minivan Mom)
The Rest Is Still Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield or Legacy by Nichole Nordeman., because my life is still an open book with many empty pages to be filled and I hope I leave some sort of mark on this world for my son and others to remember me by even if it is a small mark.
2.) We love telemarketers don't we!?! Describe a memorable experience you had with one. (inspired by Literal Dan )
I usually just hang up on them, but I did have one where I had to explain telemarketing etiquette and how it was rude to call someone before 9 a.m., it was not very pretty.
3.) How much does focusing on weight affect your daily life? (inspired by Musings Of A Blond Mom)
Too much, I was anorexic when I was in High School and I have always been self conscious about the way I look, but not as much as I was back then...
4.) Describe in what ways you expect too much from your significant other. Do they deserve an apology? (inspired by Carty Party Of Three)
There are way too many to list, Yes he deserves an apology. Sorry honey.
5.) List ten things that make you HAPPY. (inspired by our irritation at our own complaining from last weeks "Sick Of" posts.)
I am Happy:6.) Ok I was going to end it with five, but Laina just got out of bed as I was finishing this post and I SWEAR she is sleep walking. It's creepy. I keep asking her what she is doing and she's staring at me...but not directly at me...kind of just a centimeter to the left of my head. I KNEW she was a sleep walker. I just knew it. SO! Share a sleep walking story of your own!! (inspired by my scary four year old)
*that we have 5 days and 2 hours of school left ..woohoo
*I will soon be able to sleep past 7
*that my hubby still has a job, there are too many losing them these days
*that we are all healthy
*that my back is not hurting as bad this week
*that mother nature is at least letting us see the sunshine til 3 pm then the rain rolls in, but at least we have some sunshine.
*I have cookies.
*I have great friends, in real life and in blog world
*my family loves me
*that we have a pool for these hot summer months ahead
My son does talk in his sleep, but not enough to be memorable...
My sis-n-law Patrice is having a raffle over on her blog. Click the button and go take a look at the great items being raffled off. The items being raffled are Avon, Mary Kay, Uppercase Living, Blog Design, a personalized Canvas with a verse and flowers.. Please check it out.
Recognizing God in the happy. Brings much joy to the heart and shows on our faces. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe song going through my mind is "Deep in Love With You" by Chris Tomlin. That's where I want my heart to stay.
ReplyDeleteBlessings ~ Lisa
#2 cracked me up. I had one call me trying to get me to switch phone carriers. I played along knowing that I very seldom make long distance phone calls. She was insisting that she could save me 10% a month. She was obviously using a calculator so I told her that my usual monthly long distance bill was around 2.50. So she punched in the numbers and came up with a huge savings of 25 cents a month. She just said: Sorry for bothering you sir.
ReplyDeleteI love that you have school ending down to the hour : ). So cute! I hope the last few days fly by quickly and are wonderful!
ReplyDeletewell said
ReplyDeleteFunny... I remember a telemarking call when my oldest was little. I handed her the phone and she told him all about everything in the room. I'm sure he didn't understand a word of it... I was listening on the other phone. SO funny.
ReplyDeleteOMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE your little kittie on your side bar! I pet him and he purred and meowed for me! haah I'm a HUGE kittie fan!
ReplyDeleteJust think you are making your mark on the world with your blog! And I had I think it was the University of Phoenix call me at 5AM!!!! The nerve! Didn't they know I had a tiny little baby sleeping at that time....not to mention ME!
Would you believe I use to be a telemarketer while in college? Yep! 1993 Telemarketer of the year, baby!! :)
ReplyDeletehee hee--- Have a great day.
Oh, the pool. I am so, so thankful for the pool! Now if the sun would just stay strong for us...