Last Thursday was my nephew D.J.’s 17th birthday and we had his party at my house. Patrice, my sis-n-law, came down from TN that day with my other nephew Joey to celebrate and spend the weekend with us.
When they first arrived her dog Higgins first reaction to Florida was a growl and a snip geared towards Ginger. Ginger wanted to play and Higgins was having no part of that. I think he was grouchy from the long car ride. He got put in his crate due to bad behavior, let me tell you he was not happy about this one bit.

Everyone came over for D.J.’s birthday and we enjoyed hamburgers, dinner of choice by the birthday boy, and hot dogs with several side dishes thrown in.

Then it was cake time. My nephew thought it would be cool to make a neopolitan cake so my sister made one and I think it turned out great.. We had a lot of fun.
Higgies on the other hand was still a little grouchy and was hiding under his Mommy’s legs growling at Ginger or sitting in her lap peering down trying to see where the one-eyed bandit was.

Thank goodness once Brad got home he got the dogs to where they were actually tolerating one another
and by the next night they were two peas in a pod sleeping on my lap. They still had a few spats when Ginger got to close to Patrice, but other than that they were great friends.

Ginger loved Higgins food which we had to put up since she would sneak off and eat it all. Ginger found our hiding spot and camped out there thinking someone would feel sorry for her and give her a morsel.
Saturday we went to the beach
But when this big black cloud rolled in
we headed to Sonny’s to grab a bite to eat

& then off to the outlet mall to look at purses, shoes and swim suits.

Sunday we lounged in the pool, Ginger opted to lay out, while Higgins enjoyed the pool.
Sunday night we had oysters on the grill and boiled shrimp
(the shrimp are in there, they are just hiding under the yummy goodness)

My sister and Mom do not like oysters so they chilaxed on the swing while everyone else enjoyed them.
By the end of the night everyone else had pooped out, but not these two, 11 o’clock and they were still going strong.
Here is the tower of oysters that were consumed
Patrice and the boys left this morning bright and early and I tried to wake up Bub so he could say goodbye, but he just would not wake-up. There were tears when he finally woke-up and realized everyone was gone. Ginger has been snoozing ever since they left, I guess playing with her puppy cousin took a lot out of her.