Friday, January 29, 2016

January Ipsy Bag & Update

I am not going into great detail with this bag so here is the “shortened” version…
Winking smile
The bag this month is super cute!!


I got a bonus item for trading in some points. This GlamGlow mask is nice but I don’t think I would ever pay that much for a mask when you can get a ginourmous container of aztec clay mask at your local all natural shop for like $10 that will last you a bazillion years and basically sucks the same crud out of your face as this does.


I got:
A Mitchell & Peach body cream…Meh

Pur-Lisse eye cream…verdict is still out

The Balm eye liner which I love!!

A “Smudge Brush” from the brand Beau Gâchis® Paris. I would call this more of a small fluffy brush.

And a Hikari eye shadow that is really pretty!!

All in all a good bag!!Red lips
Now as far as a update. My son is still not feeling great and it comes in waves. We had to switch him to a blended schedule with mostly virtual classes cause it was getting to be too stressful trying to keep up with what needed to be done for school and when it needed to be turned in and if Mommy could explain that shiz…so this works out way better and we are both less stressed. Now if we could just figure out what is wrong with my child that would be awesome. Smile with tongue out
January has been nuts and I am ready for it too be gone!


  1. Hope February is a much better month for you!
    Oh and I don't care what any youtuber says, I'm not buying that GlamGlow shit. Hahahaha

    1. Me too!!

      LOL I know right that stuff is crazy expensive.
